Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Crown council steps down from teacher's dispute

Just another example of how far-reaching the govenment's actions have been in ripping up leagally binding contracts accross the province...

The lawyers for the government in this labour dispute have decided not to continue representing the government. They feel that they would be in conflict of interest, since last year this same government ripped up their legally binding, negotiated contract, too, imposed a contract which included a zero zero zero wage freeze, and took away teh right of crown attorneys to withdraw services. Sound familiar?

Hmm... the government has had to hire a special prosecutor to continue because not even the government's own crown council will represent them.

(source: News 1130)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap! That is incredibly news! Thanks for posting it!

4:44 PM  
Blogger Hillary said...

No worries! :) It made me dig, which is good!

11:09 AM  

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